The script does not have permissions to write the log file.
Encode Explorer
File name asc Size asc Last changed asc
dir ..
dir Shanti People - Krishna is Love
dir rsw
dir Naujas Balaramos logo
dir Gurudev
dir easy harmonium
dir Anirudhai
mp4 brangesni kursai.mp4 86.98 MB 01.08.17 14:39:10
pptx 6 joga.pptx 80.01 MB 04.09.17 12:52:15
zip 76.72 MB 01.08.17 14:39:03
mp4 tizeriukas2.mp4 42.14 MB 25.08.18 13:31:52
zip !all 2.64 MB 01.08.17 14:39:16
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